
Showing posts from April, 2018

Effect of Poverty on our Students.

Poverty has a devastating effect on students. I have had more than one student drop out in my career because of poverty. As much as we would like to believe any child with the will to finish high school can do so, the truth is far different. There are numerous situations I have observed as a teacher where I too would have dropped out of school to take care of a family member, and I might add, it would be the honorable thing to do. Many students work 40 hours a week and attempt, in a state of exhaustion, to go to school. They are often times supporting little brothers and sisters and a single mom to help pay the rent and avoid being homeless.  Try being homeless and doing homework. Yes, there are homeless students living in shelters. Every teacher should spend a few nights in a shelter, grade some papers while they are there, do some college homework, then try to shower get dressed and catch a bus to school. Your former perspective of the student that is struggling might change wh