Classroom Management

Good classroom management requires a lot of determination. In many circumstances, it will test even the most determined, organized and enthusiastic person in the world. The more difficult the class, the more organized you had better be. You may be able to take a break with an IB class or honors class and actually work quietly at your computer planning upcoming assignments. In a classroom with students that struggle in school, have difficulties out of school and have numerous referrals, taking a moment to catch your breath is not an option. In these types of classes, you are racing in a marathon, and there is no time to stop if you intend to finish the race. You are teaching from bell to bell, and from the first bell of the day till the last day of the bell. Not only that, but you are most likely dealing with issues at lunch, after school and then calling parents at night. My point is that not all classes require the same level of classroom management. Not every business requires the same level of management; some are more difficult than others. Many teachers fail at classroom management because they underestimate the determination, skills and time required to manage the classroom they are in.

Having made the point that good classroom management requires an enormous amount of planning and organization, it also requires that the teacher is well rested, stays calm, has a sense of humor, and remains enthusiastic. To do that, you need a good support group. You need to surround yourself with positive people, be open to new ideas, and quickly forgive yourself when things don’t go the way you expected. 
