Teaching Goals this Semester

   I probably have too many teaching goals this semester. That old saying that you bite off more than you can chew often rings true with me. Since I work with emotionally disturbed and behavioral disorder students, one of my goals is to improve the physical environment of the classroom. I want the classroom to produce a sense of comfort, security and well-being rather than being perceived as cold and non-caring. In addition to having a physical environment that promotes security and comfort, there is the added benefit of being able to engage students in social skills. Students, for example, learn how to conduct their self at a table designated for eating or how to behave in a living room. Another physical goal on my wish list is to start a garden and to improve the kitchen.

As far as educational goals, my number one priority is getting better at transitions to independent living for my students. One student of mine (with an ankle bracelet) came to me, and in the most serious tone said: “Mr. Thompson, you have to get me a job to keep me out of trouble”. I understand that; he understands that, but actually getting it done is not that easy. The classes they are taking and are going to take should be preparing them for some type of vocation. My goal is to develop better plans for my students and to make sure the curriculum aids them in reaching their goal.

Other educational goals are to have more engaging assignments, more hands on activities. Keeping students engaged is the best way to avoid discipline problems. Taking students off campus on educational field trips is always a priority for me. I have a long range goal of incorporating social media into the classroom. Somehow students could write something (they all want to be heard), post it and all of the student that liked it could comment on it. The more likes you got, you get something. I’m not sure what that would be yet or exactly how I am going to set it up. But I do know they all love posting on social media. There should be a way to mimic that in a positive manner. 


  1. You have such creative ideas! I agree your students need more vocational education. First though they need the skills to get and keep a job. Field trips are outstanding. You show them things they didn’t know existed.


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